About the Author
Born and raised in Plymouth in the UK, Mike LeGassick is a Behavioural Investment Coach (helping people realise and manage the fact that they cannot control the economy or the markets, but they can control how they react to this constant 24/7 news) and a director of Manning and Company Independent Financial Advisers.
He is the youngest of five brothers. His father was a writer who had some of his work published so you could say he is a ‘chip off the old block’.
In addition to writing this book to help people shortcut their way to success by teaching them invaluable life skills and how to be savvier with their money, it is also a nod in deference to his late father who was a great inspiration.
He has been creating jargon-free financial plans for clients since 1990. Mike has given numerous talks at colleges and universities about career advancement and financial planning and has been featured in the ‘Parliamentary Review’. He is a member of the UK Parliamentary Finance Committee which combines political commentary from leading journalists with specific insight from secretaries of state, ministers, and MPs.